关于 the Center for Surgical Innovation

The Center for Surgical Innovation (CSI) allows surgeons 和 engineers to innovate like never before, 快速发展的, 测试, 和 validating new surgical tools 和 techniques, with the goal of achieving better, 更安全的, 和, 在某些情况下, less-costly care for patients everywhere.

A joint endeavor by Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center 和 Dartmouth College's 盖泽尔医学院Thayer School of Engineering, the CSI offers a unique research environment, prioritized for the full spectrum of bench-to-bedside investigations aimed at improving the efficacy 和 safety of surgery.

The CSI is a research facility with three distinctions: a controlled surgical environment with integrated multi-modal 3D imaging, architectural engineering for safe co-location of animal studies, 和 prioritization of research activity over routine clinical care. This facility contains two operating rooms 和 two procedure rooms 和 is equipped with advanced technology: CT, 核磁共振成像, 透视, 机器人, 手术导航. No other center like this exists nationally.


Initial capital funding for the CSI came from the National Institutes of 健康 ($9.3M), Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center ($7.8M), 盖泽尔医学院 ($2.3M), 和 Thayer School of Engineering ($2.3M). Fundraising for additional equipment 和 technology needs, 试点研究基金, 学生奖学金, a中心主任, 和 a Center endowment is ongoing. (More details are available on the 礼物的机会 页面.)


The CSI will provide students, 居民, 研究员, 和 faculty in multiple disciplines, at Dartmouth 和 across the nation, the framework to do the following:

  • pursue innovation in the rich research facilities provided by Dartmouth,
  • receive early guidance 和 mentoring to refine their ideas, 和
  • grow pilot projects into research programs with sustained public-private funding.


The CSI provides expertise, 资源, 和 guidance for rapidly translating new ideas from bench to bedside. 从历史上看, innovation in surgery has been sporadic, dependent on chance 和 driven by individuals, 和 more recently via industry sponsorship. The CSI will accelerate surgical improvements, make the process systematic, 和 serve as a national resource for engaging multidisciplinary scientific teams to focus on improving the efficacy 和 safety of surgery for brain dysfunction, 癌症, 背部疼痛, 和 other major human health concerns currently facing our nation.

The CSI will launch academic research careers 和 incubate fundamentally new approaches to important surgical problems. It will accelerate the progression of ideas of significance from the early phases of prototype development to small-scale 测试 和 验证, to large-scale comparative effectiveness evaluation, 和 to commercialization 和传播 into practice.


  1. Manage a prospective patient outcomes registry to track radiation exposure, 手术部位感染, 和 patient-reported outcomes for all patients receiving surgery under the purview of the CSI.
  2. Mentor talented investigators from diverse disciplines to become successful clinician-scientists 和 biomedical engineers with independent funding to develop novel image- 和/or automation-based strategies 和 pathways to improve surgical interventions 和 outcomes.
  3. Coordinate scientific forums to foster collaboration, guide proposal development 和 budgeting, 和 manage project operations, 人员配备, progress, 和报告.
  4. Provide academic 和 industry partners across the nation with access to a cost-efficient process for exploring high-impact innovations 和 ideas, from conception to feasibility 测试, 验证, 和传播.
  5. Establish a financial model for the CSI that will provide self-sufficiency through cost efficiencies 和 optimal use of 资源, 和 that will share net revenues (or losses) with Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center 和 Dartmouth College, as well as re-invest in the CSI.