
The Dartmouth Psychology Internship Program provides high-quality clinical training and exposure to 研究 opportunities for psychologists-in-training. The internship experience at 十大博彩推荐排名卫生 is primarily geared toward enhancing interns' clinical knowledge and skill, and exposes its 学员 to the conduct and use of psychological science to guide clinical services. We utilize a competencies-based approach to training wherein we equip our doctoral psychology interns with knowledge and skills in intervention, 评估, 个人和文化多样性, 专业价值观和态度, 道德, 研究, 沟通及人际交往能力, 监督, 咨询技巧. 另外, the Dartmouth Psychology Internship Program provides focused training in a domain or "track.“这时, 该项目提供成人心理学方面的重点培训, 儿童和儿科心理学课程, 成人神经心理学轨迹, 和儿童神经心理学方向.


这个项目或机构需要学生吗, 学员, and/or staff (faculty) to comply with specific policies or practices related to the institution’s affiliation or purpose? 这些政策或做法可能包括, 但不限于, 招生, 招聘, 保留政策, 和/或完成要求,表达使命和价值观. No
如果是, provide website link (or content from brochure) where this specific information is presented: 不适用


Applicant requirements include a minimum of three years of graduate training prior to the commencement of internship. 申请人 should be enrolled in an APA- or CPA-accredited doctoral program in psychology. 对于课程中的每个轨道(成人神经心理学轨道), 成人心理学轨迹, 儿童和儿科心理学课程, 儿童神经心理学课程, successful candidates will demonstrate experience and a track record of professional interest in the desired domain.



Briefly describe in narrative form important information to assist potential applicants in assessing their likely fit with your program. This description must be consistent with the program’s policies on intern selection and practicum and academic preparation requirements:

The Dartmouth Psychology Internship Program seeks to provide high-quality clinical training and 研究 exposure to doctoral level psychologists. 这个项目, 符合科学家-实践者模式, is designed to help early-career professionals develop solid skills in both clinical practice and 研究. The internship experience at 十大博彩推荐排名卫生 is primarily geared toward enhancing interns' clinical knowledge and skill, 使受训者接触该领域的研究行为和应用, 并强调研究在临床决策中的重要性. The program is designed to involve interns in a specified range of core professional experiences. Interns are expected to be able to draw from the 研究 literature to support their clinical actions, and they are expected to see ways in which service delivery issues may identify empirical questions that may be used for subsequent 研究 ventures. An additional goal of the Dartmouth Psychology Internship Program is to provide focused training in a domain or "track.“这时, 该计划提供成人临床心理学的重点培训, 儿童与儿科心理学, 小儿神经心理学, 和成人神经心理学.

Does the program require that applicants have received a minimum number of hours of the following at time of application? 如果有,请说明有多少个:

直接接触干预总时数 N 是的 数量:*
直接接触评估总时数 N 是的 数量:*


  • * We recommend a minimum of 600 hours combined across intervention and 评估 hours. 这种组合适应了跨培训轨道的不同优先级.

Once received, application materials are reviewed by a committee of core members of the program. 我们一般每个实习职位面试8到16个候选人. 面试过程中, applicants meet with core members of the program as well as staff members from the site where the applicant has an interest in working.


实习生的津贴为38美元,230和与医院工作人员福利结构相一致的一揽子福利, 包括健康保险选项, 还有牙科医生, 愿景, 还有残疾和人寿保险. 配偶和其他家庭成员也有资格享受这些福利. 实习生有28天的带薪假, 包括标准的6个带薪假期(元旦), 阵亡将士纪念日, 独立日, 劳动节, 感恩节, 及圣诞节). Any leave time required for extended family and medical leave will be unpaid time consistent with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 哪些项目可能需要延长培训年度.


全职实习生每年津贴/薪水 $38,230
半日实习生的年津贴/工资 n/a
该计划为实习生提供医疗保险? 是的 No


受训者对所需费用的贡献? 是的 No
适用于家庭成员? 是的 No
适用于合法结婚的伴侣? 是的 No
国内合作伙伴的覆盖范围? 是的 NO
带薪年假(PTO和/或假期)小时数 28天专利商标局. 假期)
每年带薪病假小时数 见上图
因健康状况和(或)家庭需要需要延长休假的, does the program allow reasonable unpaid leave to interns/residents in excess of personal time off and sick leave? 是的 No


  • 访问十大博彩推荐排名学院图书馆和电子邮件
  • 人寿及伤残保险
  • 牙齿保险
  • 视觉保险
  • 见习旅行奖励


The following table represents an aggregate of the preceding three cohorts, 2020-2023.

  • 三个队列的实习生总数:16人
  • Total # of interns who did not seek employment because they returned to their doctoral program/are completing doctoral degree: 0
位置设置 博士后居住 使用位置
教学 0 1
社区精神健康中心 0 0
财团 0 0
大学心理咨询中心 0 0
医院/医疗中心 12 0
退伍军人事务医疗保健系统 0 0
精神设施 2 0
监狱 0 0
健康维护组织 0 0
学校/系统 0 0
独立实践设置 0 0
其他 1 0


The internship program observes the guidelines established by the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers and set forth in the APPIC MATCH POLICIES. This internship site agrees to abide by the APPIC policy that no person at this training facility will solicit, 接受, 或使用任何实习生申请人的排名相关信息. The Dartmouth Psychology Internship Program recognizes the value of a diverse training and professional body, and encourages applications from candidates from traditionally underrepresented populations.

The Dartmouth Psychology Internship Program participates in the APPIC Matching Program. 申请人 must obtain an Applicant Agreement Package from 全国配对服务公司. (NMS)并注册参加比赛,以便有资格匹配我们的计划. 申请人协议包可以通过 配对计划网站 或在以下地点与NMS联系:

加拿大M4S 3B1
电话: ‎800-461-6322
传真: 844-977-0555
电子邮件: psychint@natmatch.com

P.O. 1208箱

我们接受通过电子方式提交的申请 APPIC网上服务. 我们的申请截止日期是11月1日, 2023, and your application must be complete and electronically submitted to us by that date.

Successful initiation of the internship year is contingent upon eligibility to work legally in the United States and successful completion of our pre-employment screening process. 这个过程包括在线申请, 犯罪背景调查, 联邦管制药物的药检, 健康检查. Information on how to complete the online application will be sent shortly after the Match date. To meet regulatory requirements you must complete your drug testing with Occupational Medicine within thirty (30) days of the date of orientation to 十大博彩推荐排名卫生. 符合机构就业政策, psychology interns must provide proof of vaccination or complete vaccinations through Occupational Medicine as a condition of employment.